Opening Pandora’s Box

This blog post is an introduction to something that is larger than me, a beast that I am trying to wrangle and figure out what exactly it is. My attempt, ultimately, is to transcend mere superficial words and get to the heart of things. These things are what people don’t wish to remember, or even worse, not even realize that they are there. But they are, these deeper things, pervading the meaning of our lives. Sure, go ahead, and live a sedentary life of not asking! Go right ahead. Live your whole life on the brim instead of diving deeper. And then you will die. And no one will think anymore of you because you never deeply thought about God, yourself, and God’s and your relation to the world around you. I am opening pandora’s box. I am about to open some pretty scary things to some people. But they are, nevertheless, true. And the one who really seeks the truth will find things perhaps stinging but nonetheless true. This blog is only for those who can handle it. Are you ready?


Craftsmen in the MoDern World